August 17, 2009


In our last blog we introduced Robert Hanvey; let's now focus on what Hanvey called the 5 "Global Dimensions" that, if implemented in the classroom, will make our instruction "global."

(1) PERSPECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS. Most people go through their entire lives holding beliefs and opinions that they have never questioned. Neither do they stop to reflect on the fact that those beliefs and opinions -- that collectively form their "worldviews" -- are indeed part of their own personal, cultural and historical perspective.

My perspective on global warming, human rights, or any other global issue reflects my cultural/ historical conditioning, my personal experiences, and even my personality structure. It may very well be a valid perspective; Hanvey nudges us to realize that, no matter how solid we feel our perspective is "the right one," it is still one perspective among many possible valid perspectives about reality that people can rationally and logically hold. He doesn't want us to renounce our perspective; he simply wants us to acknowledge that it is one among many.

This simple, commonsense cognitive step is surprisingly difficult for many people to take, for it requires a measure of intellectual humility that we often don't want to embrace. There is comfort in complete, dogmatic certitude. Acknowledging that my perspective is not the only universally valid one requires intellectual strength and a degree of personal security.

We have often heard that "there are 2 sides to every story," and most people will give lip service to that assertion. The trick is to allow ourselves to go from lip service to an honest emotional and intellectual acceptance of its deep significance. Based on my own personal experience, cultural conditioning, personality structure, etc., I can comfortably hold a certain opinion or value. Hanvey invites us to acknowledge that if I had a different personal experience, cultural conditioning, or personality structure, I might hold a different opinion or value and be just as convinced of its intrinsic validity -- as indeed, many people do.

We must acknowledge that reality is affected by the perceiver. My perception is likely to be different from that of others -- especially if those others come from a different culture and a different historical context. This simple realization is at the core of the ability to become "globally aware." Without it, nothing else is possible. Intellectual humility and a strong logical foundation will enable us to open ourselves to the complex global reality.

(2) STATE OF THE PLANET AWARENESS. Sadly, in many societies and cultures around the world, the average person simply does not know what is happening on the planet; people live in their own personal, local, or national cocoons, insulated from the real world. Such individuals cannot be global citizens. We need to be acutely aware of what is happening in our global village -- particularly in our time, when events in one side of the world affect the entire planet.

Along with the many opportunities that our present reality brings us, we have very significant issues and problems that we must face and conquer, or risk a very uncertain future. These issues and problems are never simple; they offer very complex, intertwined and difficult challenges. Whether we talk about climate change, nuclear proliferation, threats to human rights, or any of the many significant challenges that we face today as a human species, we must become aware of what is happening in our neighborhood -- planet earth.

We ignore our problems at our great peril. Ignorance or passivity are likely to lead to disaster. If the majority of humans do not appear interested in becoming educated about our present challenges, those who do become the leaders of future humanity. Knowledge is, indeed, power. As our students acquire the basic knowledge to identify and define the major issues faced by humanity, they will also be building their leadership curriculum vitae and placing themselves in a position for future global leadership.

Naturally, as we set-out to learn about the very significant issues that we must face, Hanvey's earlier words about "perspective consciousness" must come to the fore. Without perspective consciousness, our attempts to understand our global issues is doomed to failure.

In our next blog we will continue to review Hanvey's list of 5 "global dimensions." Until soon, then.


  1. State of Planet Awareness. How would we, as people, know about the things going on around the world if our media and government does not inform us of it? Also, issues, such as prostitution and genocide are happening, are happpening in areas were there is no services, much like in red light districts and other areas. How would we get around the boundaries to be aware of issues like these in the planet?

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  3. It's definitly true that people often live with only what they have been given from the very beginning unwilling to question these beliefs and opinions because they have been raised to think of it as the right thing. It's a sad fact that people never learn to think for themselves when they have based their entire lives on these pieces of information that they have been given from the beginning. Since they have believed these beliefs and opinions for so long, it's no wonder that people often have difficulty thinking of something else as the right thing. How could we get people to think more for themselves and not just form opinions and beliefs based on their background?
    Also, knowing that so many people around the world do not have any knowledge of what is happening in the planet around them shows how ignorant people can be sometimes. People often tend to ignore problems that have nothing to do with them, they have the habit of being concerned over issues that directly involve them. Sure in many cases people have no way of knowing because the government may not inform them, there may be no resources for them to use such as newspapers, and there may be no person to pass on any such information. However, when people do have access to all of these things, shouldn't they be atleast aware of the things happening around them and if they are aware, shouldn't they care? With so many people around the world suffering from all sorts of disasters and problems, it's often sad that many people have no idea about what's going on in the world around them. How can we as people learn to better care for our planet and people and become more aware of the issues happening around us?

  4. It is valid to say that people have different point of views originated by their life experiences. People may create their own reality according to what they perceive as truth. On the other hand, people might be deceived from what is really going on. As a result, a person needs to know all the sides of a story to construct a more accurate truth. In my opinion, another characteristic that teachers should teach their students how to aquire these sides, for with them they can find the truth. As it is stated in the post Knowledge is Power, so giving students the tools to build their own knowledge (their own reality) of what is going on around this global village, you are allowing them to become more complete global leaders, for they will have the power the majority(unaware) people lack.

  5. I read the "State of Planet Awareness." What I think about this post is that how can we and all the people around the world be informed about global issues or global disasters if it isnt put on the media? Its not our fault that we arent informed about certain issues. Also, how do we plan to get the media across so many other countries that dont have the technological advances to get informed on whats happening over there and for them to know what is happening over here? One thing about this post that is true and I agree with is that people (including myself and im sure many others) live in their own little world and only worry about themselves, closing their knowledge and minds about the world around us and about the global issues that are occuring at this very moment. But one thing I dont understand is how do we plan to change peoples minds? I understand that The Cambridge Global Studies Academy is changing the way on how we look at the world and all the issues about the world and educating us to be future leaders, but what is there to do about all the other citizens that arent in this program?

  6. Mr. Lamas,
    Everything that you stated was completely right and very eloquent. Me, as well as you, believe that the reality of each individual is based on their personal experiences, and their culture; however most of these people do not understand that their culture (therefore reality) is not the only one or the real one. I particularly believe that to rise and expand Global Awereness, teachers should understand and control and be able to teach Robert Hanvey's 5 dimensions to perfection. Students should be taught about the importance of knowing that their reality is not the only or the real reality and neither is their culture; and they should also be taught that not because their beliefs are contradicted by others, it is meant for them to not believe in it, but they should open their mind to other explanations of truth and reality.

  7. People not being aware is an important issue, but another issue is that people who might be aware don’t even care… because they think it’s not their problem or their fault that is happening and also they think maybe they shouldn’t even try because other people, such as global leaders, will resolve the global issues… Some people that might care aren’t even informed because now all you hear on the news is how some lady drowned her child and not what is affecting the whole world like what is the next country to develop nuclear weapons and blow us all up… As a result, potential global leaders are not going to help the world if the feeling of caring is not taught to them, so another principle that should be applied to global education is the sense of caring because yeah they might be aware and informed about what is happening, but maybe they don’t care and maybe they could get people everywhere to care so everyone can make the world a better place to live =).

  8. in refernce to both entries of PERSPECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS and STATE OF THE PLANET AWARENESS I would like to make a comparison to a philosophy read this summer by Ayn Rand named "The Essentials of Objectivism". in order to have perspective consciousness we, as people, must open up to the facts of metaphysics or objective reality, as the author puts it, which is to take in the fact that we cannot create our own world the reality is that this world exists in a way we have yet to see it. this world can survive without us and in realistic terms if we do not take action into "seeing whats in front of us" then we shall be blinded by the fact of us creating a world in which does not exists. in order for us as people to be happy in this world and live in peace we must seek for an answer within everyone to overcome the issues occuring in this world. the probelm is that ethics or self-interest in ourselves causes us to forget about others and causes us to forget that we are all equal in this world and no man or woman is superior to another. we have been blinded in believing that a ruler of a country has higher power than us as citizens. egotistical is human nature but we must look past our ways and look forward to a better future. think about a time when you became one with nature, became one with another person, looked passed self interest and for even a second became PERSPECTIVELY CONSCIOUS, you would find that the adrelanine yet peace that followed through your mind, body, and spirit was the best thing that could ever happen. so we need to help ourselves and eachother to become one because one person can make a difference.

  9. sorry i dont know what happened with the name but the comment by Yesicow14 is me yesenia grisales!! :)

  10. I agree, most people these days are not aware of what is happening to our planet. I think that we all need to step up and take part in because we are all responsible for the planet and we should be more informed on what is needed to be done.

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  12. The media. That, in my opinion, is the fourth branch. For instance, in most countries and nations, the leader uses the media to take control over people’s lives. Why do I bring this up? Because the media will always control the nation if nothing is not being. The media controls what the people can know, what to fear, what to hate, and what to do. When the world is devastated and needs hope and truth, the media hides it to put their people in oppression. Many places in the world, the government controls what people can watch or listen, or in this issue, WHAT THEY CAN LEARN. They block certain things on the internet, television, and radios. Cancelling things, that THE GOVERNMENT do not want you to know and understand. They do this to keep you away from success, so they can have more power over you. The media will not tell citizens what is going on in the world if it does not pertain or benefit them. People live clueless and ignorant of what life is really like out of that nation. People need to stop listening to what the media, controlled by the government, have to say. Turn off the TV and radios, and READ. Read what is really happening in the world, which is the only way we can progress. If we just take the time and find the truth, find the really knowledge held by the few, then we can change this world for the better.

  13. Perspective Consciousness:
    Everyone has their own ideas and beliefs about certain things due to culture, religion, and different ways of thinking. Like you mentioned before, it is very difficult for people to accept other people's beliefs. We figure that our beliefs and ideas are better and more valid than everyone else's ideas. However, we don't like to accept that maybe for once other people might be right and we might just not be. I agree with the statement that people should accept the fact that our ideas are one of many. I think if we start being more open minded about other people's ways of thinking that maybe we would come to find that our cultures are not really as different and as wrong as we thought. Acceptance as well as knowledge is the key.

    State of the Planet Awareness:
    Unfortunately for us, people prefer to be and stay ignorant rather than keeping themselves aware of what is really happening around the world. Humans, as stubborn as we are keep ourselves in this state of ignorance for the prevention and fear of change and reality. Some people just don't want to embrace and take responsiblity for the things that are occurring. If we don't start waking up and becoming more aware, how do we expect to make this world a better place? Awareness does not only apply to global warming and pollution, but also to genocide, poverty, corrupt governments, threat of nuclear war and other important issues. Keeping people aware of what is happening around the world can be a breakthrough for our planet, our students, our teachers, and our future.

  14. When reading "Perspective Consciousness", there were many truths to this. The "truth" that a person is raised with is completely biased depending on their culture as well as where they live. For example, when 9/11 occurred, America put the blame on Osama Bin Laden and then everyone began seeing the Middle East as a horrible place with horrible people. Many children were being raised with the perception that Middle Eastern people were all terrorists. This may be due to family, friends, or even a remark they may hear down the street. If you want to get even more in depth, there was even a group of Americans who were and are against the government, so against they believed and still do that 9/11 was all planned by the government. In the Middle East, they were being raised with some sort of belief that made it okay to fly with a plane into World Trade Center and kill thousands of people. There were Middle Eastern people who found absolutely nothing wrong. Another example is the Americans being the first to land on the moon. While Americans believe this completely, the Russians believe this was the greatest movie ever made. Why? The Russians were in an arms race with America to see who would get to the moon first.
    The fact of the matter is that there will always be more than one side to a story. This does not mean that one side HAS to be wrong. It is highly impossible to find something that is not biased besides facts. And even then those can be played around with to fit whatever a certain subject is trying to prove. In order to be able to be "globally aware", one has to understand that not everyone thinks the same and everyone has a different opinion. One has to think, "Well I think this way about this certain issue, but I know that a girl in Brazil think this way about this, and a black male in Zimbabwe thinks like this..." Being globally aware is not hard, it is fairly simple. The only thing is to think about others, about our surroundings and be understanding.
    -(Kat)herine Dagand, 4th period.

  15. As mentioned above, the media in many countries have not been informative of the current global status. Sadly, this also applies to us. The United States who has proclaimed itself a world leader cannot be trusted for the information in the media. How can citizens expect to gather the truth and have the ability to receive a global education if our own media cannot be trusted with delivering the truth? I believe that in order to receive the truth, the way reporters and other media specialists are taught should be mostly influenced by the basic morals instilled in humans. When people can trust the media we can take the necessary steps as well informed global citizens to improve the world in which we live in.

    -Yanelis Valdes, Period 6

  16. In the world we live in today, not being informed is very hard. On every website , tv channel and radio station news are reported. Its important to know whats going on in the world because being ignorant to issues causes people to make ignorant choices that then affects the rest of the population.
    However there are areas that the media doesnt cover such as the refugee camps in Africa or the red light district in India,not being aware of these areas adds to our already present ignorance.
    When the media in the U.S and around the world report the news in areas that are important instead of the daily dose of celebrity doings, then will the world start to inform themsleves better.

  17. This whole thing about beliefs is something i don't entirely agree with you because in religion the whole concept is in having faith with the information brought to you eventhough there things that contradict the idea you still have to believe in it. But other things when it comes to science i agree with yo like the when people believed that the sun revolved around the earth a group people didn't believe that and proved that the earth revolves around the sun. People didnt stop untill they proved it. The whole thing about people living in a cocoon is trued and you can blame that on the media and how they dont bring enough infrormation for their veiwers and you can also blame it on the government and how they controlled the media and don't let them speak and bring out the truth.

  18. To be a global citizen, awareness is key. Particularly planet awareness, for which Mr. Lamas makes a very close-knit case. No one can reasonably disagree on planet awareness as a priority because it is necessary to both understand and navigate the world -things that are essential for a global leader. Unfortunately in today's world, global news are easily accessible through the Internet however they are not continually presented in daily life.

    The most popular source of news is local news in the form of local newspapers or local news programs and the sad reality of such sources is that they tend to cover very little international news (as little as 12% in 2007 in the United States without counting Iraq according to *). In fact, news networks have decreased their number of foreign bureaus by half (also according to *). This shunning of international news in local daily life creates a giant hurdle for planet awareness. Anyone who wishes to keep reasonably informed would have to go through the extra trouble of searching for reliable news sources that present all sides. In this blog, we already have magnificent recommendations for such resources but not everyone will take the trouble to sift through those news.

    The news are a large influence in shaping the way we see the world and, keeping with the philosophy that in the 21st century we are all global citizens, the news should be adjusted to reflect that. Unless the existence of a wider world, an international interconnected world is plainly presented to the masses, the idea of global citizenship will only be a secular philosophy of life rather than a general reality.

    I believe that realizing that we live in a world beyond our borders is the first step toward becoming a global citizen and the primary tool that can influence that realization is the news. Global citizens cannot be created through small programs in esoteric academies. We are all global citizens whether we wish to recognize it or not and the consciousness of a responsible global citizen should not be a privilege but instead an active social right because such consciousness is necessary for navigating in the 21st century. Thereby, daily access to global news should not be someone's hobby but rather a natural encounter in the media.

    * Alisa Miller, head of Public Radio International, in her 2008 TEDtalk.

    - Yadira Capaz

  19. I definetly believe that Perspective Consciousness is extremely important especially now. Many people i know live their lives by one belief but they do not know why. They dont question that belief even if it may be wrong to others. There are many other people who change their beliefs based on personal experience or further knowledge of the subject. I am open minded and I always question ideas when they are presented to me.Different cultures have different ideas. This does not mean that one person is right and that the other is wrong. There will never be a time when you hear something that is not biased. Everything we know today is biased in one way or another.
    Also, it is true what you say about many people not knowing about what is happening on different parts of the world. It is easy for us to turn on the television or go onto a website to find out what is going on. Many people all over the world do not have this opportunity. They are too busy struggling to survive day to day. They do not have the resources we have here; the resources we do not appreciate. Everyone is always stating the issues we have in our society but not many people are doing anything about it. It is easy to sit and complain about our government, global warming, and other issues. You are extremely correct when you say human beings are ignorant.Being ignorant causes problems. We always believed that we wouldnt be invaded or attacked because we are the USA. This is when September 11th occured and we were powerless to do anything about it.
    We are students working towards becoming global leaders so we can help our planet. We dont have to be ignorant and just watch as our world collapses. Hopefully, we will be aware of everything happening around the world so there will be no mistakes in the future that can cause our planet to be a disaster.

  20. I definetly believe that Perspective Consciousness is extremely important especially now. Many people i know live their lives by one belief but they do not know why. They dont question that belief even if it may be wrong to others. There are many other people who change their beliefs based on personal experience or further knowledge of the subject. I am open minded and I always question ideas when they are presented to me.Different cultures have different ideas. This does not mean that one person is right and that the other is wrong. There will never be a time when you hear something that is not biased. Everything we know today is biased in one way or another.
    Also, it is true what you say about many people not knowing about what is happening on different parts of the world. It is easy for us to turn on the television or go onto a website to find out what is going on. Many people all over the world do not have this opportunity. They are too busy struggling to survive day to day. They do not have the resources we have here; the resources we do not appreciate. Everyone is always stating the issues we have in our society but not many people are doing anything about it. It is easy to sit and complain about our government, global warming, and other issues. You are extremely correct when you say human beings are ignorant.Being ignorant causes problems. We always believed that we wouldnt be invaded or attacked because we are the USA. This is when September 11th occured and we were powerless to do anything about it.
    We are students working towards becoming global leaders so we can help our planet. We dont have to be ignorant and just watch as our world collapses. Hopefully, we will be aware of everything happening around the world so there will be no mistakes in the future that can cause our planet to be a disaster.

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  22. Essentially the information within this post concludes in being very truthful in its message due to many factors, issues such as a person's ignorance to global issues is one in which should be analyzed with great care. It is indeed true that most people do hold their own perspectives, opinions, and views on a certain subject, or belief. Of course people are entitled to their own belief at any given time, but it is issues like these that prevent the whole concept of a global education from functioning. As well there is ignorance to what is going on around a person, the issues that surround them but may not directly affect them. This is as well another factor that would have to be conquered in order to truly achieve or earn a "global education". In essence what I gained from this post is that an individual would have to conquer being ignorant, so in essence be aware of all aspects and perspectives for an issue, as well as learn to be knowledgeable in issues that are occurring throughout our entire global village, and not only our own personal.

    On a side note, this post has shown me that through a class such as "Global Perspectives" students who may not be knowledgeable on global issues, or know both sides of a story will become fluent in both of these areas, and in end be able to achieve a global education.

    -Michael Pena

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  24. I agree with every point that you're trying to get across to anyone who takes the time to read these posts Mr. Lamas. And the one thing that kept coming into my mind as i read your posts sentence by sentence, was the word "awareness". "We must be aware of our own perspectives of reality". "We must be aware of whats going on in our world (Planet Awareness)". Apparently, being aware is what transforms a normal inhabitant of this world into a global leader. Most people are what you refer to as "Humants"; people that aren't aware of anything. People that just "go with the flow". By following these "dimensions" that were created by Robert Hanvey, i guess you can transform a normal class of Humants into potential global leaders. But despite these dimensions, the one thing we must all do in order to become global leaders, is become "aware".

    -Leonardo Martin

  25. Education is extremely important in having an advancing world society. The blog "What Makes it Global" says people must view the prespectives of others. The problem is that in today's world education is lacking. Many people are not obtaining the knowledge that they need to understand the global issues that are occurring, especially the knowledge that is needed to view the issue in a diffrent prespective. When one build knowledge one interprets things in a diffrent manner they start to understand how the world works and notice how important it truly is. People become more willing to help protect the world. If issues are to be fought the battle must start with education.

    Humans, choosing to be ignorant rather than active citizens, leave the responsibilities of fixing today's world, with all of its horrendous issues to the people who choose to be global leaders.
    With all the campaigning, and all the press coverage about these global issues, one thing is made clear about humans when it comes to action:
    It happens all the time in a large population. Apathy in voting, apathy in participating in government decisions.
    The apathetic majority of the global population need to realize they can't leave all the decision making, all the responsibility for those who do want to take action. These issues that we are facing today will amount to a myriad of problems that at one point will prove too much for leaders to handle on their own.
    Yes, they are aware.
    No, they will not do a thing about it.
    How do they expect empowered global citizens to handle a mess that is bigger than them?
    People need to start realizing that our extravagant lifestyles, our want for luxuries and our blatant disregard to how we are affecting the world around us, will send this planet down in flames.

    It all comes down to awareness, action, and a term that you have recently taught us, a "paradigm shift."

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  28. State of Global Awareness.
    I figure that, as has been mentioned by others, global awareness, or atleast a more truthful global awareness is a hard thing to accomplish. It'd probably take years to achieve anything close, by which point you'd be to old to do anything or be heard by anyone.
    What I'd rather hear is people just being aware of what to be aware about. Sort of like know that there's something out there, and to be involved they should learn as much as they can to understand - afterwhich they can pursue their goals, whether it be for or against a certain cause.
    Another point I wish to make is the fact that for a while now i've not been entirely sure that our portion of the population - the more curious, and for lack of a better word, more intelligent, portion of the population - is even close to being completely involved. For all we know everyone else is informed and just leaves us to think we know it all.
    People tend to act based on what they know, with the previously stated in mind, we might just be ignoring what the real issue is.
    But I would like to give you one thing, and that would be that your ideas lean towards the right direction, as they do indeed show us what would certainly be ideal traits to keep in mind.
    Edit: Spelling errors. >.<

  29. As said above citizens of this planet must start taking act for what we have all caused together. Most of us are argumentative with all of the issues that our planet has. Such as global warming and the deterioration of the ozone layer. We should take care of the planet that we live instead of complaining because that’s what the majority of the people do.

  30. (1) PERSPECTIVE CONCIOUSNESS is a very interesting topic to read from due to the fact that it addresses one of the main problems that society faces in our times. It is widely recognized that these times we live in are difficult, due manly due to disagreement of men. When men in general disagree, the root of such discrepancy of men can be traced in their physiological ways. In their minds, they refuse to believe that their opinion or view about a certain matter or situation is not the only one among others in the world. Instead, they are stuck to believing that there is one side to every story rather than two. To continue, what really impressed me was the fact that Robert Hanvey actually dared to be different and was straight forward with the truth stating that this is practically the first step to becoming globally aware. Being globally aware signifies that one acknowledges the fact that there are other opinions out there and then use their common logic to come up with a conclusion rather than having a biased side to the story.


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