November 8, 2009


We will continue today to "flesh-out" the links that you have available when you access this blog. We will concentrate now on the publication considered "the newspaper of record" in the USA. "I read it in the Times" is usually a statement that confirms the reliability and validity of the information in question. Even persons that may question the Times' editorial positions will normally read the news content of the newspaper and rely on it.

The blog gives you access to the Global Edition of the Times, which focuses on international and global affairs. This e-edition also incorporates the professional input of The Times' European sister paper, The International Herald Tribune. Together, they provide an unsurpassed view to news, analysis and opinion from an American/Western perspective.

When you click the Times link, you will be taken to the Times homepage, which is set-up like an "e-newspaper." The major pictures of the day are front-and-center; you can click below the picture shown, to see the rest of the pictures available.

AT THE VERY TOP OF THE PAGE you have links to "Video," "Most Popular" and "Most Recent" news, among others.

ON THE EXTREME LEFT MARGIN you have geographical and subject links to the content, including (in the lower half) links to blogs and the "Week in Review," a great resource for those readers who cannot keep-up with events on a daily basis!

BELOW THE PICTURES, in the center of the homepage, you find summaries of the day's main story and other important stories, as well as another geographical index to take you to the part of the world that interests you. You will notice that you can click on "Post a Comment" below some of the stories and express your own opinion or questions. You should take advantage of this feature! Share your thoughts with the best educated audience in the west!

ON THE RIGHT OF THE PAGE, AT THE TOP, you find "Global Spotlight," which will normally cover a subject in some depth. Also on the right are the day's main business and stock market news.

HALF WAY DOWN THE PAGE you will find a video story and below this, "On The Blogs." You may find a favorite blogger that you would like to follow!

FURTHER DOWN you find (ON THE LEFT AND CENTER COLUMNS) subject links to thorough coverage of the World, U.S. Politics, Opinion, Movies and "Week in Review" among others, and (ON THE RIGHT) links to the "Most Popular" stories of the day.

At the BOTTOM-RIGHT of the page you will find "Recent Blog Posts."

Well, there you have it: your e-guide to the "newspaper of record" in the USA. Use it well and you will be on your way to mastering what Hanvey called "State of the World Awareness," and "Knowledge of Global Dynamics"!

In our next blog we will review a very exciting link, -- -- that puts the world's media at your fingertips! Dozens of the world's best media outlets within a click of your keyboard!

Until then. Keep blogging....


  1. After exploring both, the New York Times and the BBC webpage, I have a newly found preference in the New York Times. I believe the New York Times link is much more manageable to the everyday business man who only has 5 minutes to check the news before going out to a conference. It is less vague and more informative on the world’s events. It contains straightforward news rather than persuasive stories. Its organization is also at a much more professional level which is primarily directed to the active members of our society from national delegates to its strong workforce. I really like the fact that it has tabs to the specific continents you are interested in allowing you to choose the news you want to hear. Also it provides a comprehendible dialect in which anyone can understand whether you are fluent English speaker or a learning student. To further choose my preference I decided to look for news on “Ecuador’s government” in the search bar of both links. In BBC it offered a large supply of irrelevant articles from infinite outdates sources. In the New York Times it presented various articles on its current government within the last 7 days. Thus, I would definitely choose the New York Times for its high quality service offered to the global reader.
    -Gerry Rivadeneira

  2. After much research of both the BBC and the New York Times, I would choose the New York Times over the BBC. The New York Times has many links that can provide recent information on any topic you choose. The New York Times' search engine will provide the most recent information when searched. It has a week in review, most popular, most recent, geographical index, business, stock market, Q and A, blogs, and world links. The BBC only has top stories, most read, history on this day and 37 languages. I personally believe the New York Times has more to offer than the BBC does.

  3. Searching through the webpages of both the BBC and the New York Times I found that the New York Times was much more informative than BBC. The New York Times is able to offer important information that one can rely on. There is information on a variety of subjects not only pertaining to America but to countries all around the world that are arranged by continent. The arrangement of the New York Times is also much more professional as compared to BBC. Items that relate to each other are placed together making it so much easier to access things that go under a common category. While BBC may be accessed in more places by a person including radio and television, the New York Times provides a person with much more to work with. The New York Times has information for everyone no matter what their interests may be. Also, all news is recent and up to date allowing people to remain entirely informed of any changes or events. All news is relevant and straightforward being a great advantage to all. The New York Times is simply one of the greatest sources of news for anyone as information can be obtained in a matter of seconds and one can be sure that what they see is what is actually going on.

  4. With all due respect, the International Herald Tribune surpasses the BBC in multiple ways simply because it’s the quality over quantity. From the layout of the website to the way the articles are written, the difference is clear. BBC though a more “diverse” source of information due to its 37 different dialects , television programs and radio stations is often lacking in content, organization and relevance. The International Herbal Tribune though less “diverse” covers a wider range of news with a straight forward perspective while at the same time displaying the information in an organized, profession way that is easy to navigate and comprehend.

  5. Between the New York Times and The BBC, I would have to go with the New York Times as well. The BBC although having many likeable features like the choice for seeing what you want and the color changing layout is great for fun, but is not the best when it has to do with information. The New York Times seems to have more options in dealing with that seeming as there is news on any country around the world. The New York Times is seen as more professional and although it is lacking radio stations and various TV channels like the BBC has, it still focuses more on the news.
    The BBC seems to focus more on other things like advertising, business, sports and music instead of focusing on the main thing which is the news. Looking at the New York Times, you notice news stories everywhere and the other things are set apart, but not in the BBC. Finding any type of news would be a lot quicker in the New York Times especially since you could view the recent news or any news on whichever subject you wish. Additionally, The New York Times provides more accurate news articles and information.

  6. After careful evaluation of both newspapers I believe the New York Times is the best newspaper because it main concentration has always been then the newspaper while the BBC has many media outlets like radio, TV channel, and newspaper. So their concentration is spilt. For the average person the Times are the best because it presents information quickly and easy. The entrepreneurs of the world can use the Times as their source of information because it has stock markets, business sections, and their editorial section for business is one of the best. The thing the Times lack is their global news and global prospective section. If I had to find global information I will choose the BBC because it shows many different global prospective.

  7. After looking at both the BBC and New York Times links, I have to go with the New York Times link. This link offers a large amount of information about whats going on today and also gives readers the option to go back a couple days to see old news. The New York Times link also offers photos and videos about events around the world and it also shows business and stock market news and you could also follow your favorite blogger. The link also has information regarding politics and movies and the most popular stories of the day. The New York Times link is also quick and easy which is why a lot of people like this one a lot better then any other links. The BBC link also has good information and it offers translations in over 30 different languages but overall the NYT link in my opinion is more reliable, faster, and easier to use.

  8. Surely there are many a hundred newspaper companies out there, two most globally popular probably being the International Herald Tribune and BBC, but in my opinion The International Herald tribune makes a much better global newspaper. To start off, the main home page of the NYTimes is organized in a way that helps you find whatever it is you’re looking for in a quick and easy way. All categories are set up in a simple way to locate, as well as having on the left hand side, from top to bottom, all topics imaginable that one could be looking for; from different areas of the world to real-estate to technology to stocks. Another lovely aspect is that it is useful for those busy people that go out in the world to do countless activities, the website is setup to be easily accessible so you can get in and out in minutes and find whatever you need.
    Many might not notice this, but the webpage also automatically refreshes itself every couple minutes so you get updated on any new-coming information. Another thing is that, unlike the BBC, its main focus is the newspaper and can go full-force on having the best possible experience with it, rather than also having to worry about television, radio, etc.

    -Dayana Gonzalez

  9. In my opinion,
    I prefer the New York Times Global Edition with the International Herald Tribune over BBC. It really brings a new light to news. It is informative, reliable, and interesting. It captivates its readers as well. The New York Times has been relied on for many years and is frequently a source of information for people of all ages. Now, however, it is definitely more appealing to the younger crowd. It’s set up is more enthralling; its arrangement makes you interested from the first glance. You have the major pictures of the day that catch your attention and can easily make you click the picture and find out more. It has many links and topics enabling every person to choose what they read in association to their liking. Also, it has a Global Spotlight section which covers specific Global Topics in depth. Along with this it has blogs and movie reviews for people that are interested in the more popular types of news. Another thing that really appeals to me is that you can post a comment on different stories which enables you to express your feelings and thoughts towards that story. Overall, the New York Times Global Edition with the International Herald Tribune gives you a more modern view of the news and makes it more interesting for its readers to select an article or story of their choice. The New York Times has a selection for every person and is really in tune to choosing things that people want to learn about.

    ~Jackie Clark~

  10. After perusing both The New York Times Global Edition with the International Herald Tribune and the BBC websites, I believe that the New York Times offers a wiser and deeper display of the news. The first thing that grasped my attention about the New York Times was the vast division of links. Everything is carefully organized by topics. Unlike the BBC, The New York Times covers a wider range of news that is more relevant to readers. Overall, I believe that The New York Times has been more successful than the BBC in organizing and conveniently presenting the news to its readers.

  11. Personally, I have to say that my preference leans to the New York Times. This is because after viewing both web pages, it became obvious that both newspaper sources have different objectives. The BCC seems to concentrate on attempting to provide a wide range of information, however by doing this it does not provide enough "news". For instance I typed in women and it gave me articles on the top 40 women that we love (British TV), a link to "funny women finals 2009 clips" and other results that would be useless for a serious assignment. On the other hand the NY Times not only provided with more recent articles on women, but more relevant and more useful for an assignment. The most irrelevant article I found was a theatrical review for a play called "What Once We Felt"; this is a play about what women want so it can be considered somewhat relevant for any assignment on women. In addition the NY Times has an easier and less complicated navigating experience, then the BCC. Finally I prefer the NY Times as it has a more professional template, although the webpage is somewhat plain it transmits a sense of reliability. This is something I think the BBC page lacks(as I felt more like I was trying to be impressed with colors rather than reliable news),

    Estefania Chavez

  12. After surfing through both the New York Times and the BBC websites and getting caught up on many appealing and distinctive articles, I must say that I prefer the New York Times over BBC. The New York Times has a variety of categories for you to look into whether it is recipes for health, choreography for art and leisure, or stories about a woman who was held captive in Iran for world. The New York Times makes it easier to access the categories available for you in comparison to the BBC website which is not as well organized, there categories are scattered throughout the website which takes it longer to access. For people who do not have much time on their hands they rather go to a website with easier to access information which is straight to the point and accurate, as to the BBC which is a website which aims more towards the topics spoken about.

  13. Between the two websites, the New York Times and the BBC, after analyzing both of them thoroughly based on representation of information, article efficiency, and overall quality of the website as of structure and given information, my decision on the better source on a daily basis would be the New York Times website. It is the better choice because of what it consists of. When observing the BBC website I noticed that the articles and their information were very general in comparison to the New York Times. The articles of the New York Times were very informative and descriptive and gave a great representation of information. Also the topics of the New York Times are much broader consisting of world news. The articles revolve around many worldwide issues occurring and it is always up to date. In addition based on topics requested such as terrorism, the New York Times had many different displays of terrorism and did not just talk about one issue and it was never redundant as opposed to the BBC where there was not as thorough information and articles as there were in the New York Times website. It was the better information destination.

  14. After analyzing the BBC and the New York Times, I would prefer the New York Times over the BBC since it will provide with more information about any topic than the BBC. The New York Times has a search engine that will give us the latest and hottest news on the planet. It has different categories to organize the information provided such as week review, most recent, most popular, stock market, business, geographical index, blogs, Q's and A's, etc. In other words, New York Times focuses more on the actual news and not on the media like BBC does. I think its way more reliable and that the New York Times is obviously the winner in this epic battle.

  15. The Global Edition of the NY Times, in my opinion, is much more informative and dependent in comparison to the BBC. When searching for issues that I have studied such as, China’s One Child Policy and the war in Iraq, I noticed a broader variety of articles and resources in the NY Times. When looking for something specific, it is essential to be able to narrow down results after searching. In the NY Times, there is an advanced search option whereas in the BBC you would have to go through many articles and search results. The Global Edition of the NY Times has a good focus on the global perspective of issues which presents more than one side of any issue. I spent more time trying to sift through the advertising rather than learning about actual news and articles to the topics I was looking for in the BBC. This was very time-consuming and quite frankly pointless because using the NY Times, it was much simpler to find what I was looking for. NY Times was much more straightforward in the information they presented. In the hypothetical situation that I had to pick one source of information, I would most definitely pick the NY Times.

  16. Personally I choose the NY Times. The information it provides it is up to date as well it is being updated with new details as the story develops. This allows for the reader to be able to follow the story consecutively and be able to we well informed. This is something BBC does not do. Their news isnt categorized by newest but by the most views. Popularity shouldnt play a factor in the type of news that is presented to the public because most of the time it is irrelevant to real importance. In my opinion the NY Times works best for me because I am able to be updated in the story i am intrested in wihtout having to worry about losing it due to popularity.

  17. When comparing the websites of BBC and the New York Times, it is only evident that my opinion goes in favor of the New York Times. This is due to the fact that because this world is full of news that accumulate more and more each day, it is necessary that a news website consist of news of all around the world including the smallest areas of this vast planet. The New York Times is more of a serious media website for it its lay out is more plain and focused by not having so many colors and advertisements that may distract the reader from the importance of the news that it offers. On the other hand, BBC is more of a local news website that is decorated with many different colors including the opportunity of choosing the color you want the website to be and the topics you prefer to be shown. As a citizen, I find it very discouraging that a website should have such accommodations due to the fact that news should be kept as news and not be perceived or insinuate it in a decorative manner. There are extremely serious matters occurring through out the world, and BBC does not only primarily cover them as much as the New York Times but neither does it go in depth about them. BBC also provides the weather, radio, sports, and the channels it is located on. Meanwhile, the New York Times covers topics about the world, the U.S, Business, and Technology and so on to a greater extent than the other though not hiding the news under subtitles of: “More Top Stories.”

  18. In comparing the BBC and the New York Times, I found that the New York Times was much more efficient. It is the site that I would choose to search daily. In comparing the two, I saw that the BBC had many articles whose purpose it seemed were to persuade as opposed to inform. The New York Times had more articles directed to informing the public on matters. I also found that The New York Times was easier to search. Information was more easily accessible. The organization of the site allows you to narrow down the information you would like to access more easily. Also, I appreciated the way that the information seemed to be directed at those who adhere to the responsibility of keeping informed about the happenings and workings of this world. It seems that, although there are globally informing articles on the BBC website, there is more global information to be found at The New York Times site. It also appeared that the BBC provided some information that seemed useless and had not been updated. It seems that The New York Times would be the better choice when looking for a reliable, organized, and informative website.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. When comparing the New York Times and the BBC, I have personally found the New York Times to be a much more appealing and attractive site for obtaining information than that of the BBC. When visiting the website it is a lot easier to find a certain category of news in the New York Times than the BBC. The page layout and arrangement is more organized in the New York Times when compared to the BBC. The New York Times is shown to be appropriate for a greater range of people than the BBC. Also the articles are of a great variety and are also written to appeal to the reader therefore making them more interested in the event which is occurring. The BBC website is a bit old fashioned and may require a more modern style to attract reader. Although the information presented in the BBC is very accurate, its format does not catch many people's attention. In reference to the global issues, both websites provide current events from around the world therefore proving the New York Times is a much better rounded news company.

  21. Just as nearly every before me agreed, the NYT/IHT provides a better - more enhanced - reading experience. The BBC seems to shoot for a brief overlook at things, while offering the chance of experiencing it in other ways - whether they be through it's radio service or through it's mutiple languages. The NYT/IHT, on the otherhand, provides a nice bulk of information (of course not right off the bat), and makes the more desirable information much easier to attain. As an American living in America, I can only appreciate the fact that it's main region of focus is my own aswell. I figure this would be true for anyone in such a situation (all 300 million and then some of us), only adding on to it's apparant supermacy over the BBC.

  22. After perusing through the New York Times Global Edition and BBC News I am stubbornly settling my preference on the side of the New York Times.

    The New York Times Global Edition has very little global about it as far as its front page picks go. Its Western and particularly American bias is apparent just by looking at the homepage; most of the articles in the front page center around Afghanistan and the United States with an article or two about some other place in the world. The global articles are there if we look at the news by region but quite obviously they are not the most advertised and one would have to purposely look for global news to find them. Unlike the New York Times, the BBC promotes global news from the beginning in both its homepage and this blog's specialized BBC link. Unquestionably the BBC is the right pick for informing oneself through a global perspective of the world at large.

    Despite my criticism, I still keep the New York Times as my primary choice because it seems to be more concerned with the cultural side of the news (i.e. arts, science, technology, music, fashion and style, etc.) rather than the political or business sides. Cultural news correlate more with my interests and current intellectual needs than does the specifics of the world's failing economy or a political upheaval in a country I can do nothing for at this time. I recognize being informed on such matters is important but the New York Times does a good job of informing about them peripherally and in suitable proportion to my interests so that were I ever in need of such information or an occurrence was noteworthy enough I could find it without a problem.

    I know that my choice contradicts the aim towards global awareness but my preference is a matter of convenience and relevance. As I've discussed in a previous post, being informed on a misfortune in another part of the world means nothing more than grief if I can not do much to help and the economic troubles of another country mean much less if I am not involved or impacted. Were I currently active in the global stage I would unequivocally choose the BBC, but until then I keep the New York Times (to inform me on the latest art exhibit or advance in technology or books).

    P.S. My favorite section of the New York Times is the opinion section. There the articles really seem to come alive.

  23. After evaluating both sites I believe that The New York Times is a much more favorable site than BBC. I find that The New York Times is much more organized and well put together. The New York Times has millions and millions of information on the news of the world. I found it easier to access and much simpler and faster to find any information needed. I believe that many people will pick this site because of the fact that many of the people in this world are more familiar to The New York Times than BBC. I found The New York Times in between broad and narrow. It is broad based on the fact that any information could be looked up dealing with news of the world. It is narrow based on the fact that once the information is found then the website makes sure it the topic you are looking for, instead giving extra articles that have nothing to deal with what you are searching. I do have to admit to the fact that BBC website is much more clean and less out there, which when you think about it it is somewhat dull and boring. In a way the spontaneous of The New York Times website page is what draws the attention to the public!

  24. After looking at both the NY Times and the BBC news. I have come to the conclusion that the NY Times is a better, up to date and more reliable source of information than the BBC news corporation. One reason I say this is because the NY Times has all the latest news in a fast easy way to find. Not only that but the NY Times website is constantly updating meaning that viewers and readers can follow the latest pieces of news every day. The NY Times also focuses a lot on detail when explaining a news story. It is more diverse in subjects and has a search engine and links to help readers find the news stories they are looking for. In conclusion it seems that the NY Times is a better source of news than the BBC news.

    Darious Trueman

  25. First entering the BBC website, the first thing seen is its grey layout and numerous boxes containing links to multiple articles on many topics. It seems like any other news website, but when read there is more of a global and professional air to it. There are articles from Uganda, to China, a world map, and also has links to articles in 32 other languages. In the economy section, it includes a variety of currencies. On the other hand, the website for the New York Times is much more different. Although there is a professional air to this site also, there is already a sense of bias and self awareness only. Most articles have to do only with America, and its typical arguments. For example: its main headlines read about laws against gay marriage, and problems in Iraq against America. If I had to choose between these two news sources, I would choose the BBC website, because it is more resourceful, non bias, and on terms with global issue and global awareness.


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