To quote from their website (emphasis added):
"Worldfocus responds to the mainstream media's diminished coverage of international news. All the major networks have closed foreign bureaus and cut resources for international news coverage, which amounted to only 8 percent of all American news coverage last year.
"By partnering with international news organizations, Worldfocus fills the void in international news coverage....The nightly news program and Web site report on events from around the world and cover the stories that don't always make the headlines.
"We approach news in a way that combines the editorial integrity of public television and traditional media with the diverse perspectives of journalists, bloggers and local citizens."
A star-studded international team of producers, anchors and staff labor under the direction of Executive Producer Mark Rosenwasser, most recently a Senior Producer for "CBS Evening News" and winner of 23 Emmy awards. This is indeed a noble and first-rate effort to make American news programs less provincial and more global!
As you log-in to Worldfocus via the link in this blog, you will find the lead story at TOP-CENTER, along with other major stories. Clicking on any of them will take you to the full story. You will see the link inviting you to "Watch The Show Online" -- a great idea, since you won't be tied to the scheduled TV time.
IMMEDIATELY BELOW you will see the major international news stories in capsule form. Click to go to the full story.
Every story featured gives you the opportunity to comment -- a great option for the active, non-vegetative reader!
FURTHER DOWN ON THE PAGE you will see "News by Region," where you can focus on your geographic interests.
I would encourage readers to click the link "Worldfocus Staff Bios" and become familiar with their all-star team.
A great option for the global citizen who wants to be well-informed is to make it a habit to watch the full half-hour show online on a daily basis. If you prefer to get your news via TV, there is no better way to become familiar with the global reality than Worldfocus!
There is a multitude of opportunities to use Worldfocus in the classroom: What stories are featured that didn't make it to the U.S. mainstream media? Why not? Among the stories that the U.S. mainstream media did cover, is the Worldfocus perspective the same as that of other U.S. media? How is it different? How does the "feel" of Worldfocus differ from that of the more common U.S. news programs? Which do you prefer and why?
Good hunting!
World Focus and the NBC Nightly News are so different in so many ways, yet they are similar. World focus is strictly based on news from all over the world, specifically main occurrences that happen throughout the globe. NBC Nightly News is national and world news, strictly major events that happen in both the United States and the globe. Thus, the main difference between the two is that World Focus is strictly events around the world and the NBC Nightly News is based on both national and international incidents. In addition to this major difference, on the episode of December 14th, NBC Nightly News had more stories within nationally than internationally. Also, although they obviously included international stories, most of them would connect nationally. For example, one story was about how carbon dioxide has increased in our atmosphere from all over the world, and many people from around the globe are concerned, including Africa and China. The way this story ties in with the United States is that Obama decided to have a conference with international leaders regarding this global problem. Additionally, World Focus discusses about the drastic events that are occurring, such as a woman in Africa who was whipped for having an affair with a married man and the man was buried to the waist and was beaten to death by rocks thrown to his head, but the NBC Nightly News included an inspirational story about a family who started a non-profit organization that makes mittens and such and gives it to those in need.
ReplyDeleteAlthough World Focus and the NBC Nightly News are different in many ways, they are somewhat similar. Foremost, they both include guests that they interview to give a second outlook on the events that happen. Both shows interview the guests strictly on their outlook towards what is going on, depending on what story they are representing. Of course, all guests have certain knowledge towards the certain event they are discussing about. Also, both newscasts discuss about the beating of the prime minister of Italy. However, although both newscasts discuss the event of the beating, World Focus gets more into detail about how it lead to it; for instance, World Focus discussed what was going on before it. The NBC Nightly News went into specifics on the actual injury and the evidence that was collected; for example, the NBC Nightly News discussed more on the man that did it and his background.
If we compare World Focus and FoxNews, we can identify that the have several differnces. the most acute difference is the fact that World Focus gives the viewer a global perspective to of the events that happened in that day. On contrast, FoxNews gives a more United States point of view comment on the issues. It is more like how certain issues are going to affect the United States, rather than how certain issues will affect the entire world.
ReplyDeleteIn addition, FoxNews discusses gives information that is of more interest for the United States, for it includes "leisure section" where they talk about celebrities or ways of loosing weight. For instance, on the show of December 17, 2009, they talk about coconout oil, which cointains a low percent fat and it is benefitial for human developement. They also talked about celebrities, such as the current situation tiger Woods is facing. Obviously, a person in Uganda that barely has enough to it are going to find use on knowing that coconut is good for loosing weight, when they can barely keep themselves alive. Much less they are going to care about who Tiger Woods is. On the other hand, World Press shows stories that everyone in the world are going to be able to understand and appreciate. For example, in the same day they showed the story that 2009 was the deadliest year for African journalists. FoxNews did not even mention it. They did not mention either that Turkey's Kurdish minority is struggling to fight the government due to the hundreds of unsolved murders.
As a result, World Press would be a better informtaional tool for global leaders for it gives a global point of view. National news programs such as Fox News is effective but only for people of the nation where the news station is from. it can give the viewer a more detail point of view of the nation's status. Even though, World Press would be more useful to keep up to date with the current global issues, a really important thing for global leaders.
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ReplyDeleteWorld Focus News provides a plethora of information on global matters and includes major information on global perspectives. It has an easy access of information or topic coverage ranging from blogs, to regional pages, and videos. The news provided from this source is very distinct and uniquely global. The interviews and programs from this source (World Focus) are very in depth and provide you with knowledge needed to understand the topic. This news source is unlike any other. It is an excellent source of global news and various perspectives on it. Their interviews are with people that know the matter of the story or topic in and out. They are very experienced and it’s program is continually filled with excellence in both material or information and depiction.
ReplyDeleteUnlike World Focus, CBS Daily News is more prone to a very minute scale of global awareness. They provide you with information; as most news sources do. However, the detail in which this information is put forth is not as vast and educational as that of World Focus. Yes, it reviews global issues around the world and what is being done to solve these problems, but it’s focus does not seem to be mainly based on global news. CBS seems to be more centered around popular news. While popular news is quite vocal and more publicized, global news is what really needs to be publicized. This is precisely what World Focus achieves to an immensely high standard. Not only does it examine global issues in depth, but it makes you aware of global issues; which could easily be one of the most important points. In order for people to feel any ounce of interest in a topic they need to be informed and become aware of what is going on, yet another feature that World Focus has perfected. It covers news stories that have been the “buzz” of the news, but it also covers those topics that to many people seem miniscule but are actually bursting at the seams with severe importance.
Conclusively, CBS Daily News does provide rather accurate information of substance. However, the issue sometimes tends to not be very global. Like World Focus they are capable of depicting news and significant events occurring throughout the global world in which we live in. However, it does not go particularly in depth. Instead of focusing on one major issue, CBS tends to be more scattered and not so specific on one central topic. World Focus proves to be a more favorable source of information filled with global perspectives as well as accurate and intriguing global expertise.
~Jackie Clark~
The main difference between World Focus and CNN is the point of view it presents. World Focus has news from all over the world. CNN also has news from all over the world but most news concern the United States.
ReplyDeleteCNN is more vague. It does cover news around the world, but it doesn’t really cover them as much as they should or give details about it. The issues that it mostly goes into depth are the ones that concern or affect the U.S. The CNN covers the Pakistan story and if the government supports Obama’s decision or not. It covers social issues around the world such as in Brazil. CNN covers developing stories like the Health Care Reform in the U.S.
World Focus, hence its name, goes in depth into world issues. For example, it covers the climate change and what happened in Copenhagen. It covers the political aspect of it. It describes how China and the U.S. had a disagreement and it also covers the economical side of the climate change issue. It is more specific and really covers almost every portion and detail of the story and the issue.
World Focus is simply a great source of information as it brings viewers important stories from all over the world. It focuses mainly on world events and is able to bring accurate news to the viewers. On December 17, 2009 World Focus began its program by giving detailed information on the climate conference in Copenhagen including views from various people in different areas of the world on the subject. Afterwards, it also referred to something that didn’t receive as much attention as it should: the economic impact on cleaning up the environment. It went on to talk about the things normally unseen by most viewers such as the coal economy. It brought news from China about how the country was affected when the government shut down the coal mines. World Focus also featured interviews from experts on economic conditions allowing people to become more informed on the subject. News that wasn’t in the headlines was also talked about proving to be more informative and useful.
ReplyDeleteABC’s World News referred more to the United States itself rather than the world. It along with World Focus covered a common story which was that of the climate conference. However, ABC gave only a brief overview that wasn’t enough to properly inform someone of what exactly was going on. The rest of the news was only relevant to America giving information on the health care issue and how the H1N1 virus might have been preventing the normal seasonal flu. It went on later to talk about the death of an NFL player and the frustrations that had stricken Tiger Woods. References to the economy were made by informing viewers of how the United States Postal Office had lost billions of dollars and the tragic tale of a Florida man who had been released after spending 35 years in jail for a crime he had not committed. The focus of this program was mainly on popular news not going beyond the headlines to better inform. While much of this information may be useful to many, it is the news happening around the world that would prove to be of rather more importance as it is the news everyone needs to know about.
ABC’s World News without a doubt provides very accurate information on many subjects. However, World Focus proves to be much more useful as it brings news from everywhere in the world and not just from within a nation. It proves to be a much better source for information on global events as it really does bring news and events from all around the world together to inform its viewers on what it is exactly they need to know.
Although both World Focus and NBC news are both created basically for the same purpose, they are quite different from each other. On Thursday, December 16, both news centers presented a great amount of events. The largest difference between both centers however, is the type of information which they choose to present to the public. It is clearly visible that World focus focuses mainly of world news or international affairs, while NBC news decides to present more national or even local news. This may however be due to the fact that people will have a tendency to watch a news program if they know that they news which are being presented to them is occurring close by or will affect them in some for or way. Nevertheless, this train of thought usually leads to bias, due to the fact that those who are watching will be aware of what is happening around them, yet they might not be aware of those events which are affecting the country as a nation and others as well.
ReplyDeleteTo begin with, World focus presents its news quite differently from the normal style or known style. World focus does not present as many news as a regular news broadcast shown on television. Instead World focus “focuses” on certain large events and goes into great depth. For example, on Thursday, part of the show was directed towards the development of new armament in Iran. Not only were facts given about that country but congressmen from the United States were also recorded giving their opinions on how this would affect the relations with Iran and the United states. Furthermore, a guest speaker was invited (Ervand Abrahamian), a man who was born in Iran and had written more than one book and was a professor at the City University of New York. This man also gave his opinion and analysis on the current situation, mentioning the “Iran” point of view and reasons why they might be going against the U.S. policy towards missiles. He also mentioned how America’s new sanctions might either “make or break” relations with Iran. World focus also presented some other events such as the economic crisis in Greece, and some educational advances in Kenya, where women are learning to defend themselves from sexual abuse.
In contrast to World Focus, local news stations such as NBC news appear to be as more complete. This is mainly due to the simple fact that they offer a greater variety of news including the weather not only local but throughout the Americas, and simple pop culture events such as the best gifts to give for Christmas or good recipes to bake on Christmas day. NBC news covers a lot more amount of news mainly local, including however the main international events. On Thursday, some of the news included local stories such as women who are found murdered or events being held at bookstores. There are also broader news such as football games being held and how the sales are progressing due to Christmas shopping. There are however international news such as the new development of the Iranian missile or the South American crisis relating to Hugo Chavez. The main difference however are that due to the fact that local news stations such as the NBC offer more and a greater variety of news, they do not spend that much time on each topic or event. Instead they just mention the main facts and move on to the next story. Some stories they may dedicate more time to however, such as the health or immigration reform which are being discussed greatly at this time.
In general, World Focus offers a lower quantity of stories, yet they offer more in depth coverage than local news stations such as NBC. World Focus provides quality over quantity while NBC will provide quantity over quality. These news stations may probably remain the same and this is due to the fact that a greater amount of viewers will prefer NBC over world focus mainly because it offers them what they want to see, even if it is not the most productive of news. Meanwhile World Focus will center its news on world events which may not matter to viewers now because it is occurring on the other side of the world, yet once it reaches America its headline might have the opportunity to make it into the 10 second spot before commercials.
ReplyDeleteThe WorldFocus is a really great and helpful link and information website. It has information on most of the global issues and mainly focuses on global issues. The WorldFocus focuses on news by regions all the way from The Americas to the Middle East. This link also focuses on current issues. For example today it focused on climate change and how global warming is slowing done the economy and so forth. A couple day ago on December 17 the news what about Copenhagen and Clintons plan to pay poor nations 100 billion dollars to help stop global warming. It also focused on how China is trying to become a grren place but in the process, a lot of people have lost their jobs because all the coal mines were or are being closed down. Then it talked about Russias champion kite surfer. So overall, you can tell that the WorldFocus focuses on issues and news from around the entire world. On the other hand, NBC is also a great source for information on both national and international but it focuses more on United States news and what is going on around us here in the United States instead of only giving information on global news. It also gives more of a daily news update and other stuuf like sports, medicine, business, money, etc. NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams has many topics like politics, health, world news, etc which shows that it doesnt only focus on global issues.NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams also had the news about Clintons plan to give poor nations 100 billion dollars to stop global warming but it did not have anyh of the other issues that WorldFocus had like about China becoming green or Russia kite surfer. NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams mainly focuses on United State news and about swine flu and about the Tiger Woods situation, etc. It is useful and very informative but it doesnt have all the things that the WorlFocus does. At the end, both WorldFocus and NBC are good websites. The World Focus focuses mainly on only global issues while NBC ficuses on global issues but it also focuses on United States issues and national issues like swine flu and so on. In my opinion, the most useful one is NBC because it focuses on our issues in the United States more then around the world which is good because we should know more about the issues that are around us then the ones that are half acroos the planet. But both are very useful and informative.
ReplyDeleteWorld focus is a very detailed source on information and provides interesting and crucial stories on global matters to all the viewers all over the world. World focus centers mainly on giving accurate news to all viewers. The interviews and programs from this source are very in depth and centers on giving knowledge needed to understand the topic unlike CNN. CNN is a move vague source and does not cover news around the world but mostly focuses new concerning the United States. The CNN covers the Pakistan story and if the government supports Obama’s decision or not. It also covers developing stories like the Health Care reform in the U.S.
ReplyDeleteWorld Focus began its program on December 17, 2009 by giving detailed information on the climate conference in Copenhagen including views from different people in many places and regions of the world on the subject. It brought news from China about how the country was affected when the government shut down the coal mines and how these things are normally unseen to most viewers. It referred that it doesn’t receive much attention as it should. To the economic impact on cleaning up the environment and the regard on Global warming. World focus also includes guests that they interview to give their point of view but of course they all have certain knowledge towards the event they are discussing about.
Part 1:
ReplyDeleteSince this post mentions that Worldfocus was initiated by a CBS Evening News producer, I decided to compare his new project with his old one. I watched the CBS Evening News on December 16 and the Worldfocus broadcast on December 17 and I found acute differences between the two.
Mark Rossenwasser certainly had a dissenting, breakthrough vision when he decided to embark on creating Worldfocus. He recognized the same problem that has caused me to neglect TV news and rely on online resources for actual news: most American news stations focus strictly on US news or news that in some way or another are connected to the US (and with an American bias, of course). They are definitely not sources one can rely on for global information.
CBS Evening News, like other American news stations mentioned in this posts' comments, focuses on American issues with sparse attempts at reaching the broader world yet still remaining strictly Western. On the day I chose for observation, they spoke of the American health care bill, a controversial tax cut for Citigroup (an American bank), a lawsuit against Intel (an American-based corporation who is a world leader in electronics), 2 local social incidents, the Climate Change Conference 2009 in Copenhagen (which Obama attended) with a brief mention on surrounding protests, and a moderately sized segment on North Korea and the outcome of a possible war (segued into by Obama's letter to Kim Jong-Il). Of everything I mentioned, there was no single segment that was not somehow related to the US. CBS has an American focus in which the rest of the world is only mentioned in relevance to the US. Although this is a narrow worldview that if not balanced with a broader, world perspective could be severely harmful (and it is as we can see by the media bubble most Americans live in), it is not unjustified. The show caters to an American audience whose main interest is how America is doing in the world and what is going on within its borders. Given the time constraint of 30 minutes, perhaps it is justifiable that they would focus on their audience's main interest given that even in that full half-hour dedicated to the US they barely cover the major issues concerning America.
The time issue is shared by Worldfocus. Worldfocus seamlessly and miraculously manages to present its news in a world perspective with no identifiable center. The show certainly does not ignore the United States but it does not make it its strict center either. It handles all the information it imparts quite objectively and even its choices of segments reflect that. What immediately stood out for me was their coverage of China's new resolve and their struggle with climate change. They did do parallel segments on the coal industry of local places in China and the United States but it covered them reasonably and without a connection on US benefit or involvement (unlike CBS). More than half of the show was dedicated on an in-depth presentation of this climate change issue. The show also covered Romania's widows after their revolution, the US and Middle Eastern developments (briefly), an archaeological development in Egypt, and kite-surfing's first Russian world champion. As anyone can see, the show covers a wider range of countries and keeps true to its title. My only criticism is that some of its choices are not critical information (like the kite-surfer). A myriad of events occur worldwide everyday so I think they could have picked more impactful information. Again, I think its mission is hindered by its tiny time slot and given more time this show could do some impressive miracles (more so than its already doing).
Part 2:
ReplyDeleteComparing these two shows, I must assert that America needs more Worldfocus-type of news broadcasting. As I said above, the show informs on how the United States is confronting certain issues but it also gives a wider perspective of the world outside the American bubble. To break out of this bubble is essential for giving Americans the chance to develop into global citizens. Going by CBS's format, it is really not a wonder that most Americans do not know the geographical location (or names) of most countries or certain continents.
Beyond broadening news material, I also must add that to aid this global awareness news programs should be given more time to do their job thoroughly. There are 195 countries (give or take a few depending on whose list one references) in the world; most of them have some noteworthy event occurring everyday. I am not suggesting that news programs attempt to cover each one but I think a bigger time slot would aid in covering a greater range. Perhaps if American news programs had more time, they would venture out and cover world news. The state of American news as it is now -- twenty news programs all covering the same narrow topics -- is not benefiting anyone (except maybe lining the pockets of the people staging the shows). I hope Worldfocus starts a new wave of news reporting in America, we desperately need one.
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ReplyDeleteWhen comparing WorldFocus news with essentially any other news broadcasting it is evident that there will be slight differences in both the delivery and the presentation of the broadcast. In my case I decided to compare WorldFocus with CNN News and after watching both showings on the same date (December 17th, 2009) I was able to decipher what in core makes WorldFocus in my opinion a better broadcast to watch.
ReplyDeleteTo begin with both news broadcasts presented the news in both an interesting and intellectual manner of which kept me entertained throughout viewing. More importantly, is that both news broadcasts spoke of international or 'global' news throughout the duration of the broadcast. Ranging from speaking about the meeting in Copenhagen (to tackle on global warming and attempting to raise 100 billion dollars throughout several inputs from different countries) to the hacking of US drones (of which may be being monitored by Afghanistan people). All in all both broadcasts provided in depth analysis of various global situations and problems that were facing at the moment, however for CNN it is apparent that global news is one of their objectives but not necessarily a primary objective of theirs when broadcasting a session of news. CNN reported a lot of global news, however it does so in the time span of an hour which is twice as long as the WorldFocus broadcast and provides less global news. In the case of CNN there appears to be a slight lean towards issues being faced in the United States, considering it’s a United States broadcast this makes sense- however it is not the best of all options when in search of global news and/or information.
On the other hand we have WorldFocus which in my opinion is the best broadcast for global news simply because of two main factors. For one thing the broadcast is precise in concise. It is roughly thirty minutes long and yet covers a vast amount of global news along with a detailed explanation of the situation; which different issues on a daily basis. Secondly, the broadcast doesn't particularly focus on one region of the world, throughout the thirty minutes of its broadcast a viewer will be shown a plethora of important global issues, and rather than having a slight focus towards one region of the world - I can honestly say it divides the news it reports quite equally.
In end it is apparent that although both news broadcast make it an effort to report on the most important global issues, one broadcast clearly prevails with this objective; without doubt being WorldFocus. The simple facts such as that it reports on a global perspective, with detailed explanations, on a short span of time most definitely makes it the preferred choice when looking at news that delivers a global span of information on.
- Michael Pena
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ReplyDeleteWhen it comes to comparing World Focus and MSNBC they are two sources with many differences. However, one thing they have in common is that both sources are propitious and expeditious they are both reliable. Moreover, World Focus’ focal light is much broader than MSNBC’s; it delivers a larger variety of World news, although MSNBC does deliver accurate world news as well, the variety is not as large. Another difference between the two sources is that World Focus delivers the stories in a speedier way which is much quicker to access. As to MSNBC which is a tad bit more time consuming when it comes to finding the stories you want to read.
ReplyDeleteNevertheless, the news program that I have chosen to use to compare between both websites is titled “Copenhagen climate change conference: what’s at stake?” this article is from World Focus and “Climate talks look to U.S. for fresh ideas” which is from MSNBC. These two articles were fairly similar they both had the same perspective and same topics. Which was stating that the U.S. and China are the key players in climate change as well as that the U.S. will not engage in any serious framework unless China becomes involved as well. In the MSNBC article they go into further detail about President Obama’s attendance at the conference in Copenhagen. Another similarity between both articles is the issue with the greenhouse emissions, which are thoroughly spoken about in these articles.
In the final analysis both of these sources are extremely beneficial, but at the end of the day World Focus surpasses MSNBC because it has a broader variety of news, easy to access articles, better search tools, and it truly does talk about news all over the world.
Comparing World Focus’ news coverage and CNN’s news coverage I noticed that World Focus is more in tune with news from all over the world. However, CNN is more of a national news station where most things cover the United States even though there are some stories about the rest of the world. World Focus not only shows world wide news but it also shows the different perspectives of those countries mentioned. For example in World Focus they spoke of the problems in China on the environment due to the production of coal. For this news story World Focus was able to acquire the opinions of people in China who were involved or being affected by it. CNN is different in that it does not show the different perspectives of those in the stories shown.
ReplyDeleteThe only perspectives that we see in CNN are those of the United States but we don’t get those of other countries. World Focus goes over news stories that CNN does not cover. This is probably due to the fact that they don’t have anything to do with the United States and since that is what CNN specializes on then other news is just not shown. CNN mainly covers international issues especially that of the Health Care Reform and other events that President Obama is trying to achieve. It would seem as if CNN thinks that only news from the United States is important. World Focus however is completely different, especially in keeping you aware of everything important that is going on around the world.
Both news stations are however helpful in acquiring the information needed. However if one is looking for news only on the United States CNN would be a better choice. If one is looking for more news about the rest of the world then World Focus would have the more appropriate news coverage. I believe that World Focus has a better feel than CNN has due to the ways in which perspectives are shown. It seems to me that World Focus is less bias than CNN is. Also, it seems that World Focus has more accurate perspectives as well. This is because CNN only shows the American perspective therefore making it less accurate. World Focus is definitely the one I prefer because of this.
Part 1 of 3:
ReplyDeleteWorldFocus truly is an exquisite outlet of information and news. It differs from virtually any other news provider, especially from news providers such as CNN, NBC, FOX, or CBS in several ways. All of these news providers are reliable, and the information they provide to the public is accurate. What makes them different, though, is what information they present and in which method they present it. At the start of WorldFocus, these words are heard: “From different perspectives of reporters and analysts from around the world.” This phrase does a tremendous job of demonstrating what WorldFocus is all about. As its name suggests, it focuses on the world, not just one simple nation, but this whole entire planet which all human beings inhabit, and this is where it truly separates itself from the majority of other news stations, especially U.S. news programs such as those mentioned beforehand.
One great example that can be utilized to compare and contrast WorldFocus with these U.S. news providers is comparing NBC Nightly News, a regular U.S. news program that airs every night, with WorldFocus. On December 16, 2009, both of these news programs were shown, producing varying results. NBC Nightly News does a great job of providing information, but it is seemingly all related to the United States. NBC Nightly News gave news regarding a poll by the Wall Street Journal (in which people living in the U.S. were inquired) regarding President Barack Obama. Numerous statistics were given, from statistics that showed that his approval rating has dropped, to statistics regarding the U.S. health care bill, to statistics that show that more people approve of the decision to send 60,000 more U.S. troops to Afghanistan now than before. A White House correspondent was invited to speak about these statistics. Other news regarded a U.S. man who has been involved in an international custody fight, a plane in which the pilots got distracted and went off course, the U.S. census coming up in 2010, the problems with under-counting in the census, the problems with American unemployment and how it affects health care, the Copenhagen climate talks, the TIMES person of the year (Ben Bernanke, who is the chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve), the athlete of the decade (Tiger Woods), Roy Disney’s death, and a dog named Rudolph in the U.S. who teaches children how to have compassion and sympathy for others. All of this news is American news, news from the U.S., and even the people who speak on these issues are all representatives (such as senators) of the U.S. On the other hand, WorldFocus is exceedingly different.
-Kevin Pardinas
Part 2 of 3:
ReplyDeleteJust like any other day, on December 16, 2009, WorldFocus once again succeeded in producing a news program that is entirely global. The news presented utterly varied from that presented from NBC Nightly News in the same day. WorldFocus began by talking about Iran’s testing of long-range missiles. They expanded this to include how Israel has reacted, as well as how Britain and the U.S. have reacted. This, showing different reactions from different nations, is something that is unparalleled in NBC Nightly News. WorldFocus expanded this topic even more by showing how the effect of this has been that the U.S. has placed sanctions on companies that export fuel (gas) to Iran. Apart from just saying this, they brought in an expert (a man who was born in Iran, has written books on Iran, and is an expert in this field). This is something that NBC Nightly News did not do, as they did not bring in people that showed a global perspective of any of the issues since almost all of those people interviewed were from the U.S. The man was able to point out the effects, if any, that these sanctions could have, and what could be some of the effects with Israel of later actions with Iran’s nuclear program. WorldFocus also talked about the warming trend in talks between the U.S. and North Korea (something which, in a way, affects the whole world), and about relations between the U.S. and Pakistan (which are a bit more tense). It also talked about the climate dispute in Copenhagen, unemployment in Britain, soaring budget deficits in Greece as well as other nations in Europe and how this can affect the Euro zone, the Euro, the dollar, and actually help the U.S. get out of its recession (they actually brought in an editor of Newsweek magazine to talk about this, an expert in the subject), and the trillions of borrowed dollars in the world and the great amount of debt. It also showed graphics representing markets from around the world, not just U.S. markets, such as the Asian market, the European market, as well as the U.S. market. Finally, it gave a story that almost all other news provider would probably not even consider installing in their news programs. It talked about a school in Africa (in Nairobi, Kenya) of about 850 students and how girls there are being taught how to stand up for their rights, and how to combat violence against women.
-Kevin Pardinas
Part 3 of 3:
ReplyDeleteIn comparing these two news services on the same exact day, there was virtually only one similarity. They both talked about the Copenhagen climate talks. NBC Nightly News went more in depth in this particular issue, but they did not put a global view to it. They simply explained the riots and violence in great detail and mentioned U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and President Barack Obama. There is obviously a great discrepancy between these two news providers. Even though NBC Nightly News does not give too much trivial information (such as news on celebrities) as some of the other U.S. news services, WorldFocus is still completely superior when it comes to presenting global news. Virtually all of the news NBC Nightly News provides focuses on the U.S., with virtually no news talking about other nations or more global problems. Contrary to this, WorldFocus does an amazing job of providing accurate and critical global information from different perspectives and from educated, experienced people from different parts of the world. They are able to give an issue and then give the effects of that issue on not only the nations directly involved, but other nations as well as the whole world. They give further validity to their truly spectacular variety of stories by bringing in real experts (from all over the world and not just the U.S., like NBC Nightly News does) who have first hand knowledge of each particular issue to talk about the effects of these grave issues (such as the expert on Iran’s nuclear program who talked about the effect that could have on Israel, the U.S., Iran itself, and companies that provide gas to Iran). The idea of being able to present all this global information in one place is truly marvelous. There is virtually no other news provider that provides such an overabundance of worthy, accurate, critical, and global information in one location. The great majority of the issues on NBC Nightly News are issues that are “important” to Americans. However, anybody, in any part of the world, can view WorldFocus and have some type of issue that relates to them. This is undoubtedly a tremendous news service, superior to almost any other (such as NBC Nightly News), and one of the most essential tools that any global citizen must utilize on a daily basis. Global awareness is vital to becoming a global citizen and helping to make this one great planet we all live in a superior and safer place. Organizations and news providers such as WorldFocus that do not give information on just one nation like NBC Nightly News does are the first of many steps in helping to develop more and more truly global citizens with the knowledge and ability to make a difference, for them and for all beings on this Earth.
-Kevin Pardinas
The World Focus and CNN are both well known and respected news organization. There is many differences and similarities that exist between these two sources of news. One of the main and by far the most obvious is that they both broadcast news to millions. Although CNN does it nationally while World Focus goes beyond that and broadcasts internationally through its website and radio.
ReplyDeleteTo begin, both World Focus and CNN have many similarities. One of those things include getting interviews via phone or live guests for the show that present new perspectives to an issue that is being discussed at the moment. Also, one of the main purposes that both news broadcasts are trying to accomplish is to keep viewers informed and things they need.
Furthermore, even though they are similar they exhibit many differences. One is that CNN only broadcasts news that concerns the nation. There is only a little international news. For example, when secretary of state Hillary Rodman Clinton spoke in Copenhagen but failed to address other nations input or reactions. While, World Focus is global news gives information on key problems that affect the world and some troubling issues in specific regions. Moreover, CNN news only provides perspectives from Americans while World Focus has a myriad perspectives from specific regions in the world like Africa or Asia.
In comparing two different news programs, in this case WorldFocus and CNN News there are many similarities and differences when analyzing both programs and their features. On the day of December 17 2009 CNN News displayed a number of very important issues both internationally and nationally among the United States. When viewing the information on CNN it displayed information regarding the Senate's final concerns of the healthcare plan in the USA. It also gives information regarding the ongoing issue in Iraq. Now on the WorldFocus program it regards global issues that occur in not just one nation but numerous nations. It shows issues about global warming on Earth and the different methods that are being made to approach the matter so it does not worsen globally. There are also broadcasts about China becoming more environmentally acquitted or at least attempting to do so as well as investigations of murders in Turkey.
ReplyDeleteThese two programs are structured under the same standards in the attempt of delivering good quality news to the public eye from a global perspective. The only difference is that CNN News focuses on a national level while WorldFocus does not have any favorites but delivers global information evenly and efficiently. I would choose to focus on WorldFocus primarily because of its general objective and quota in distributing true, unbiased, daily world news to the public. It is quick information that can be delivered in 30 minutes and it grabs the audience to wishing to know more. WorldFocus is the focus that the planet should support.
After investigating thoroughly, I have concluded that World Focus News provides a vast amount of information on current global matters and is fluent in giving perspective from many countries around the world. It is a website that doesn’t give any hassle when it comes to accessing the sources they provide such as media and blogs. World Focus News provides background support to help the audience be informed in more depth. The reason World Focus News offers information to such a great extent is because it specifically focuses on main occurrences throughout the globe but not in a broad way. Other news sources such as NBC News or ABC’s World News is based on mainly national and international sources but mostly focused on the U.S. World Focus News, On December 17, 2009 began its program by offering comprehensive information on the “Climate Conference” in Copenhagen which included views and opinions from diverse people in different regions of the world on the matter. It also referred to a topic that didn’t attract many listeners. It was the economic affect on cleaning up the environment. It also conveyed reports from China concerning how the country was affected when the government shut down the coal mines. Important news that wasn’t shown the headlines was also spoken about, proving to be more edifying and practical. ABC’s World News referred more to the United States itself rather than the world. Going back to the “Climate Conference” ABC gave only a brief overview that wasn’t enough to properly inform someone of what exactly was going on unlike World Press News.
ReplyDeleteWorld Focus vs. CNN News
ReplyDeleteWorldFocus is something completely new to me. I have never heard of this program before. I am glad I found it because it is a better program when compared to CNN News. WorldFocus does not just give you facts; it entertains you and makes you want to keep watching. It is extremely informative and entertaining at the same time. CNN gives you the facts but it is presented in a dull manner, in my opinion. WorldFocus is just that: World Focus. It really is a priority on this program to know what is happening throughout the world. It does not just focus on one part of the world and deprive you of important information across the globe. CNN News does talk about what is happening throughout the world but it mainly focuses on what is happening close by our area. From WorldFocus, I was able to get in depth knowledge and different points of views on what is going on in Copenhagen, for example. CNN News will gladly deliver the news but they will not go in depth and will not give you different perspectives on the issue at hand. It mainly focuses on what the United States has to say.
Also, the program Worldfocus is only half an hour long while CNN News is an hour. WorldFocus still manages to provide valuable information in a shorter time span. The broadcast CNN has a higher quantity of stories but it does not provide nearly as much information as does WorldFocus. One story is not more important than another. The stories are divided equally for an equal amount of information. In CNN News, they focus on the story that seems to be getting the most attention.
Both news broadcasts are extremely informative and helpful for useful information. CNN News is a great broadcast but WorldFocus focuses more on global issues. It is preferred, in my opinion, for information regarded our troubles in the world, not just at home.
-Kassandra Perez
On December 17, I watched the news broadcast of both NBC and World Focus. Although they both covered some similar topics, they also varied in different ways. The approaches of the two stations were quite different. NBC focused on the American perspective as one would assume. It was relevant if not short on the various stories covered, whereas World Focus spent at least half of their broadcast talking about the climate summit in Copenhagen. The World Focus gave a variety of opinions on the topics, not leaving you with any gaps of information. These ranges of opinions came from experts, workers, economists, and people that were just walking on the street.
ReplyDeleteThere were quite a few more topics discussed on NBC. They covered the health care bill, how much money Wall Street made the last three quarters, a Brazilian custody case, the climate summit in Copenhagen, and American predator attack in Pakistan, the swine flu, military families, Queen Elizabeth on a train, and a Mexican drug lord killed. In comparison, some of these topics were also discussed on World Focus. These were the climate summit in Copenhagen and the predator attacks in Pakistan. However, the topic of the climate summit was just a short overview on NBC. In World Focus, they covered many aspects of this story. They went from looking at what Secretary of State Clinton said, to talking with different experts on different aspects of climate change, to economic issues relating to jobs and unemployment in Xieng, China and West Virginia, United States. Then they branched off to the ideas of different commentators and how we the viewers can even comment on this issue. World Focus also discussed an Al Qaeda attack, international stock market, widows of the Romanian Revolution, and a kite surfing championship. Undoubtedly this broadcast was more international than NBC.
I have to confess I was entertained by the story about the volunteers in Washington who make holiday cards for soldiers to be able to remit to their families on NBC. I thought this was a different type of news that although not “breaking news” covered a very humane subject. The same was true about the Russian kite surfing champion. I think this added a diverse twist to the broadcast.
Another aspect that stood out to me was that World Focus did not have any commercials. This gave them more broadcasting time and more time to fully communicate with intensity and detail the stories that they were discussing. After fair comparison, the news delivered on World Focus was from reporters all around the world, giving the viewer a less bias news feed, and allowing the viewer to have various different points of view on the topic.
To start off, there were many differences between the news web cast of World Focus and of that of the American news service such as CNN. On World focus, there was definitely more mention about issues concerning all around the globe rather than just nation wide, ergo, the title World Focus. This news service brought a context of international affairs of what to do about the issue concerning global warming. The mentioned that of the news climate conference of Copenhagen where they went into detail concerning America’s stand on the issue and its long term financing goal to raise 100,000 billion dollars a year to help the developing countries improve their circumstances of pollution and AID in its effects. To continue, they also mentioned the effects of China’s decision to shut down coal factories due to the pollution that it is causing and the consequences that the workers have to pay for being fired due to this standing agreement on behalf of China’s government. As it is seen, World Focus goes into deep detail about these international issues while CNN just mentions briefly about the conference and Obama’s expected presence there. On the other hand, CNN focuses more on nation wide stories which tend to be more local than others including the story of the missing mother who has been gone for more than two weeks. It is also noted that the style on which they present the information is different as well for CNN has more interviews about people’s opinions on matters, while World Focus presents more facts on what occurred with one person speaking more than others. CNN seems to focus more on American politics, and touches a little the subject of religion while the other service does not. At the same time, there are some things which are similar. They both covered the story of the Copenhagen conference, and both use opinions from outside sources. The way in which they use outside sources is different for CNN relies on their perspective, while the other does not use as much outside opinions.
ReplyDelete-Giselle Morales
World Focus, the name just gives it away. Can we expect anything other than global issues from this broadcasting system? That would be absurd and go completely against the reason why it was established in the first place. We can thus hypothesize that an organization like World Focus would focus more on the “World” than a national television broadcasting system such as CBS evening news.
ReplyDeleteTo test this hypothesis, several tests were conducted. The most crucial test was a comparison based on the quality and nature of the information displayed to the public on December 17, 2009.
Upon first impression they both appear highly professional and well educated on the state of the world today. Issues like the state of the environment and President Obama’s political actions are continuously mentioned in both World Focus and CBS evening news. Thus they share common points. Unfortunately, CBS news though consisting of a wide range of news and “culturally diverse” only informs on issues dealing in some way to the United States.
On December 17, 2009 CBS news discussed subjects only affecting United States or citizens of the United States. While that’s all well and good people from other parts of the world would not be as enthusiastic to analyze Tiger Wood’s life crisis as they would the cure to Cancer. Let’s face it American media revolves mainly about public figures such as President Obama and Tiger Woods. Now, don’t get me wrong, CBS evening news is a great program to find out about the everyday stuff that goes on in the USA but not necessary the best source when trying to find what happened with the Turkish government and their so called “dirty war” with the Kurds; in which case such organizations such as World Focus would be more helpful.
World Focus though very enlightening on the global decisions and dilemmas affecting the global only lightly touches on each country’s situation and their position in the occurrence. To get a more in-depth look of the country one would have to investigate further. It only makes sense that a national news broadcasting system would endow themselves with news affecting their country and their particular matters. While a global broadcasting system would focus more on general issues affecting the world and country’s role in such affairs.
Though that is not to say that World Focus does not occasionally focus on circumstances of a sole country or that CBS news solemnly refers to news outside of the USA. In short, both these broadcasting systems are very enriching in their own way. It all depends on the viewer’s disposition. If they wish to view more global issues World Focus would be a better source while CBS news could be preferable if wishing to better understand society and national news in the United States.
The World Focus compared to the NBC news website have many things in common because they both have the common section of all the news of the world, and they also have the news from the local region. This means that they both have a place where you can see the news from each state in the country. World Focus provides in depth information from all around the world. It even has videos that have back up information to what is explained, and the people in it are people that know the subject and they know exactly how to explain it. On December 17 they talked about the climate summit in Copenhagen. It provides more of the international news. They explain the knowledge that you need to know to understand what is going on. But World Focus does not have any commercials and it shows that they want to use more of their time with detailed stories. In my opinion World Focus is less biased.
ReplyDeleteIn contrast NBC gave a variety of news and has international events and news throughout the Americas, it does not take as much time explaining the subject as World Focus, for example for the climate Summit in Copenhagen in World Focus they talked about the story behind it while in NBC it was just like a preview. NBC Talked about the American Perspective on the subjects. It has a section that has news of football games and events that are being held in different places. Some stories are discussed more, therefore apparently it interest more the editor than others. Some of the stories of NBC have more news nationally than internationally, thus mostly everything is relating to the United States. In my opinion, NBC is better because it has more information. Of course World Focus has a lot of international information and is better organized, but NBC has more of what American people want instead of World Focus.
World Press V. CNN
ReplyDeleteThe media, for example, news programs, can be a great way to live up to the responsibility of being informed. Though, when considering which programs to watch, it is important to consider many things. What information are you looking to inform yourself with? Is the source a biased source? Does it provide national or global information? It may be in the best interest of the viewer to compare and contrast various programs, before deciding which one to accept as your frequent information supplier.
In comparing World Press and CNN, it can be found that both programs use outside sources to portray information. For example, both programs did have guest speakers. These guest speakers helped to share their views and information on the topics discussed. Although not many topics were shared, both programs did seem to have a similar interest in President Obama and his affairs. Obama overall is a very popular topic in all worldwide news.
Many differences could be found between the two programs. They seemed to have completely different agendas. The World Press appeared to be interested in global affairs, while CNN spoke about more national and local topics. For example, CNN spoke about the possible murder of a mother of two. This topic seems like it would appear insignificant to a program like the World Press. The World Press program contained very straightforward and factual information, while, though this was presented, the CNN program presented more of the opinions of others in presenting facts. Also, the information on the CNN program was presented by a single host in a one on one manner with interviewees and presentation of stories. The World Press seemed to present a less comfortable environment, and more business like and professional environment. Matters with the World Press seemed completely serious, while the CNN program had its friendly and humorous moments with its viewers. I found both programs to be very useful and informative.
I have taken the liberty to compare Worldfocus to one of the top world newscasts, which is the National Broadcasting Company (NBC). These two newscasts have many similarities and differences.
ReplyDeleteIn Worldfocus, there is a thirty minute daily program that shows breaking news and reports from their partners in 50 countries across the globe. It also has interviews that feature a range of analysts from academia, diplomacy, and international media. Another thing is that it has signature stories that are rarely seen on other newscasts.
In the National Broadcasting Company (NBC), there are two daily programs. One is in the morning which airs for four hours. The other is in the evening which airs for three hours. It features in various parts of the world, which are the United States, Canada, Latin America, Europe, the Middle East, Caribbean, Asia Pacific, and Australia. It not only gives information and news broadcasting to a global audience, but it also provides entertainment, such as sports and comedy shows.
In similarities, they both have sections for global news and narrow sections for local news. So, if you want to keep up with global news or focus on a small part of the world, then you could look into both these newscasts. They both keep you up to date about breaking news.
In differences, Worldfocus provides signature stories, while NBC provides entertainment. Worldfocus generalizes on the world, and NBC seems to have more national news rather than international news. Another thing is that Worldfocus is better organized and easier to find information than NBC. However, NBC gives an ample amount of information and videos to help the audience understand. Finally, Worldfocus only gives a thirty minute daily program, which causes Worldfocus to pick and choose the information they want to present, but NBC gives a daily four hour program and a nightly three hour program, which allows them to provide more information.
I would choose NBC over Worldfocus because it supplies the audience with longer newscasts and entertainment.
WorldFocus, a news broadcast organization that doesn’t specify on covering one specific region, compared to CNN, a national broadcast organization designed to reach only the public of the United States are very different but still have some similarities. WorldFocus is the obvious better choice if one wants to learn about anything important that is going on around the globe, but if one is just searching for any important information about the United States, and the main view from the point of the United States, one should definitely watch CNN.
ReplyDeleteAfter watching the broadcasts of both CNN and WorldFocus on the day of December 17th, 2009, I am able to compare both broadcasts. CNN was actually a news broadcast that addressed mainly issues that impacted only the United States. Issues such as Obama’s decision on Afghanistan and how the government and people reacted to it, and how a woman was missing due to some foul play going on, really show how CNN is different than WorldFocus. This is because of the fact that the broadcast of WorldFocus that I viewed on that very same day was completely and utterly different than that of CNN. The WorldFocus news broadcast spoke about how Hilary Clinton went to Copenhagen and offered to pay 100 billion dollars to poor nations in order to help stop global warming, how going green in China is leading it into a state of unemployment, and it even threw in an interesting story of Russia’s champion kite surfer. Not only is this broadcast completely global, but they are actually interesting and fun to watch. On the other hand, CNN was a little boring to watch and most of the information they mentioned pertained to the United States in some way, shape, or form.
Although they have their differences, WorldFocus and CNN do have their similarities. Despite the fact that CNN is mainly a Unites States news broadcast organization, it did have some global information that was very important for the viewers to watch. It basically mentioned some things that WorldFocus did, such as the war in Pakistan, and the struggle in Copenhagen due to the climate change issue. CNN might not be as in depth and as interesting and informative, but it is still a wealthy source of information, because of the fact that it offers information on issues on the United States and on some global issues. But in the end, WorldFocus has the more “global” news, as its name would obviously portray.
It is not news of novelty that different news sources aside from having different delivery methods usually have different priorities. This was a prominent difference between World News and NBC Nightly News. I watched the broadcast of December 17 for both, and found the following notable differences. To begin with there was a difference in priorities as far as the topics that were exhibited in both broadcasts. World Focus clearly had a focus that centered on global issues, rather than just US issues. It analyzed at a rather average level the recent events in the Copenhagen Summit, and furthermore described the issue of hoe defending our planet may harm our economy. However it also provided a point of view that supported changes which may benefit our environment. This shows how World Focus didn’t specifically center on “how does this affect the US”, it centered on how this could affect any country. The broadcast centered on other important issues such as a recent missile attack in Pakistan, and the fact that many widows of the man who were active players in the Romanian Revolution of 1989 have now been left to fend for themselves, without any help that may point to a possibly aid for them. All issues presented had a global scope, as even the missile and Romanian widow stories brought in global questions. Such as “Do revolutions such as the Romanian one have overbearing negative effects” or “Is the missile attack a particularly acceptable one?”.
ReplyDeleteHowever I found some differences between the stories of World Focus, and NBC Nightly News. This is because the news presented in the NBC broadcast mainly focused on the US alone. For instance how the Swine Flu ratings have raised in the US, the current obstacles that are becoming apparent for the passing of the Health Care in the US, how there is a current battle for a child whose custody remains in Brazil but whose father is fighting to bring him to the US, etc. The news broadcast lacked a clear global view, and when it did (for example the Copenhagen Summit) it was rather brief. However it is a rather fair point to say that this should be expected, as it is an American News broadcast. Another main difference between the two is the question of quality vs. quantity. The number of stories that World Focus presented compared to NBC News was much smaller. However the depth of the analysis and coverage of the stories was of higher quality in the World Focus broadcast. For instance the Copenhagen summit story, if the coverage on the story is analyzed in both news broadcast it is obvious that World Focus is more in depth while NBC News moved on to other stories (in the hopes of having substantial quantity in the broadcast). Personally I prefer World Focus because of its depth, but it is important to note that quantity is also a fine quality and that NBC News is also a very reliable news source regardless of its lack of depth.
-Estefania Chavez
Worldfocus and CNN are both critically acclaimed news sources that boast reliable and in depth coverage. They they also claim to be good sources of global news, but they approach the matter of news coverage in very different ways.
ReplyDeletePrimarily, Worldfocus reports news stories that occur in all corners of the world, going into great detail about the present news. For example, on the December 16 show, a great deal of time was spent talking discussing the missle tests in Iran. Interviews with an Israelian leader, an Iranian born professor, and a survey taken by the United Stated all proceeded this one story, just to give viewers different perspectives on the issue.
In contrast, the CNN news program generally reported news occuring in the United States, and the few global stories that it did report, were related to the U.S. in some way. For example, CNN reported that in Pakistan, 15 people were killed in an attack, and gave several updates on the progress made on terminating Al-Quaeda in Afghanistan. This was basically the extent of CNN's "global news". An idea of the events occuring around the world could be grasped from the global headlines running along the bottom of the screen.
Generally, CNN tends to report a wider variety of news ranging from local news, to global, to the weather, to entertainment, but it does not go too in depth. Worldfocus, however avoids the trivial news and reports only a few very crucial global stories, but goes very in depth, using journalists, experts, and witnesses to help analyze what is reported and give a multiple perspective report.
Worldfocus and CNN are somewhat similar as well. They both use interviews as a medium of getting perspective on news stories, and they make an effort to be unbiased by presenting the different opinions and ideas of some guess.
World Focus differs from any other new provider such as NBC, CNN or Fox news. World Focus focuses on information all around the world. It restricts its work to the whole planet, not just a specific nation but to the whole world. This provides information to people in one half of the world about what is going on in the other half of the world. Also, other news providers just provide information to the USA about how a problem only affects the USA. We don’t get all the information and just left with knowing what happened at home and now how this problem affected the whole planet. A problem such as the problems about American unemployment and how it affects health care is a good way to show how different World Focus is to any other new provider. This is news from the USA and how it affects the USA only but here we don’t hear how it affects the world for example China or Afghanistan.
ReplyDeleteWorld Focus talks about issues and continues to expand how it affected other parts of the world while NBC just restricts it to how it affected the USA. To become a global leader we need information from all over the world not just from the USA. We need news about how a problem can cause other problems to occur. World Focus and NBC both give us information about what is going on in the world. They both provide us with interviews and help us get an idea of what is going on in a part of the world that we usually hear about. On the other hand, World Focus and NBC are very different. NBC just focuses on news about the USA and how it affected the USA but we don’t hear anything about how it affected, for example China or Chile. World Focus does just what the name implies. It gives us information about the entire world and how a problem in China affects the entire world. It gives us other information the NBC wouldn’t give us, they provide us the effects of an issue. Both these news providers do a good job to provide us with information but World Focus does a better job at expanding its wings and showing us a broader point of view.
-Samantha Perez
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ReplyDeleteWhen comparing news services, it is evident that there will be assorted differences of articles and viewpoints on a topic. For instance, World focus and CNN news have distinct ways of presenting world news. While CNN touches lightly on some world stories, World focus goes into depth of global stories and contains more facts. World Focus, as said by themselves, provides the viewer with international stories that may not always make it to the headlines. On the other hand, CNN news gives coverage of main global news and gives broad information sometimes backed up with interviews or picture slides.
ReplyDeleteAlso, World focus concentrates more on issues or problems that affect the people globally while CNN has more diversity and tends to provide information that relates to people living in the United States. Therefore, the viewpoint and extend of each story is narrated in a different manner to the American audience.
This can be observed by comparing stories of both services of the same day. For example, World focus had an article on China’s global warming decisions and the standing of China’s government in relation to that while CNN featured the same story with less facts and focusing on Obama’s presence at the conference.
In addition, other news that CNN features include less important news such as entertainment which concentrates on celebrities or other materialistic issues. Now I’m not saying that those news are senseless, however they might be insignificant to, let’s say people living in Africa.
Besides their differences, both services have some similarities such as the same stories. Both services mentioned the conference of Copenhagen and backed up their opinions with outside sources.
Overall, I believe that even though both news services are outstanding at conveying the news to people, World Focus does a better job in providing global stories that everyone should be aware of. CNN has a wider variety of division ranging from local news, entertainment, and world stories on a more general base. However, if I had to chose a service to help me be more globally aware, I would definitely consult with World Focus first.
As I was viewing the video on NBC, I was writing notes about what I was learning through the television program. Then I began to view another video about the same topic on the same day but on World Focus. I began to write notes about what I was learning through this one television program and I was captivated by the knowledge that the video had. Soon after, I saw that I had written more notes for the video in World Focus than on NBC. The topic I researched was on the Mumbai terror attacks that occured on November 26, 2008. The programs were explaining that a year leter, now in 2009, the people of Mumbai India are mourning for their family members that died because of the attack. Something I noticed as I was watching the video on NBC was that the majority was based on opinion and thought, nothing was really reassured. As for World Focus, they focused on the people's thought, explaining what occured, what the people were doing, why they were in this ceremony of rememberence and so on. NBC had alot of information about the situation but did not include the thoughts of the people just the political and social area. World Focus explained the situation but also included the thoughts, feelings, emmotions, and worries of the people in India. I personally admired how much the video explained about the people compared to NBC becasue it seemed that they cared about the people and what they were going through to enhance sympathy and empathy on their viewers. That is something that NBC is missing; and to my opinion, is the most important.
ReplyDelete-Stephanie Jiron
As soon as you open World Focus and FoxNews you notice the difference between these two American news provider. If you were someone who’s never heard of World Focus and you open up their page you will most definitely notice that it focuses on international news. The signs are everywhere for instance when I opened the page the page the news story that first appeared were “ 2009 marks decade’s deadliest year for African journalists” and below that was an article titled “ Turkey’s Kurds seek justice for unsolved murders”. As you can see those articles have nothing to do with the U.S. Now lets move on to compare it to FoxNews. When you open their page the articles that appeared where “ Obama, world leaders move closer toward imperfect deal”, also “ U.S. Military knew of drone flaw”. They even had news about the chaos on the situation occurring with Tiger Woods. With these articles one can see that FoxNews concentrates much more on political and other governmental problem occurring in the U.S. They also provide a lot of news about social situations taking place in the U.S. like Hollywood gossip.
ReplyDeleteDue to this I greatly prefer World Focus. In my opinion their much more professional then FoxNews, they concentrate much more on quality. Fox gives good articles, but they also give an incredible nuber of bad ones. World Focus doesn’t give news that is irrelevant unlike Fox that has articles that talk about celebrities, and for that reason I greatly respect World Focus more. FoxNews and World Focus do have some similarities for example FoxNews does give international news but not of the same quality of depth as the international news provided by World Focus.